How to treat an ear infection in a natural way?

ENT sphere and ear infections The ear infection is inflammation and / or infection of the middle ear or the ear canal by a bacterium or a fungus. In fact, there are many forms of ear infections, depending on their causes and symptoms. In some cases, it may require surgery. We can distinguish otitis : Medium (acute, serous or chronic) … Read more

Everything you need to know about Coronavirus Covid-19

Diario COVID-19

What is a coronavirus? Before you understand what a coronavirus is, it is important to know what a virus is and how it works. A virus is called microbiology: a mandatory cellular parasite.It does not show itself with the naked eye and cannot be cultivated. There are “naked” and “wrapped” viruses: Naked viruses have a nucleocapside containing an … Read more

The Covid-19 logbook

The Covid-19 pandemic, an unprecedented challenge of the 21st century, has turned our lives upside down in unimaginable ways. Against this backdrop, keeping a weekly diary has become a crucial tool for understanding how the situation is evolving, monitoring progress and adapting our responses. This diary provides a detailed overview of the current state of … Read more

How to treat cystitis naturally?


Urinary tract infections and cystitis Most of these urinary tract infections are bacterial, the bacteria responsible being mostly of digestive or sexually transmitted origin. Sometimes the infection is of fungal or viral origin. Urinary tract infections fall into two categories : Upper urinary tract infections They concern the kidneys ( pyelonephritis, kidney abscess, ureteritis ). Lower urinary tract infections … Read more

Bipolar disorders and natural approaches

Mental disorders and bipolar disorders Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating periods of extremely high mood (mania), extremely low mood (depression), and periods of normal mood. The disorders usually begin in the teenage years, between the ages of 20 and 30 or between the ages of 30 and 40. Heredity, social factors or disorders in the neurotransmitters of … Read more

The hiatus hernia at the heart of natural treatments

Hiatal hernia, described as the ascent of the stomach into the thorax through the oesophageal orifice of the diaphragm, also known as the“hiatus” or ” hiatalorifice “, is a condition that deserves our attention. In the diaphragm, this hiatus plays an essential role in allowing the oesophagus to pass through. It is precisely at this … Read more

Lose weight quickly with the PROTIFAST program

In our ongoing quest for optimal health and general well-being, losing weight safely and effectively has become a priority for many. The PROTIFAST programme, renowned for its clinical approach to weight management, offers a promising solution for those looking to lose weight quickly. This distinctive programme stands out for its use of protein-rich meal replacements, … Read more

Natural anti-bloating treatments

Bloating is defined by a feeling of swelling in the abdomen (meteorism) and the need to belch or pass gas. There are several types: Bloating of the stomach leads to a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It is also accompanied by an exaggerated intake of air (aerophagia). Bloating of the small intestine therefore occurs … Read more

How to treat acne naturally?

Femme présentant de l'acné

After summer andexposure to the sun, teenagers– but not only teenagers – sometimes suffer from acne flare-ups a few weeks after returning from their holidays. What causes acne? Acne is a complex, multifactorial dermatological condition, often perceived as a simple inflammatory skin reaction, but its origins are much more complex. Among the main causes of … Read more

Canker sore, what effective remedy to get rid of it?

L'image représente une personne qui tient sa lèvre inférieure pour montrer qu'elle a un aphte.

Welcome to the sometimes painful world of mouth ulcers! These little mouth sores can be a real nuisance, disrupting our daily routines with their discomfort. So how do you get rid of them effectively? This article aims to explore some practical, tried-and-tested remedies for combating mouth ulcers. Whether you’re looking for a quick fix at … Read more

Mosquito repellent: how to choose the right repellent?

L'image représente une femme en short en train d'appliquer un spray répulsif antimoustique sur ses jambes. Antimoustique : comment bien choisir son répulsif

It’s important to know how to choose your mosquito repellent. There are several criteria to take into account: Geographical area: temperate zone, tropical zone, etc. Types of mosquito: Aede (Tiger), Culex, etc. Diseases: malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya, etc Users: adults, children (age), pregnant women. While mosquitoes in Europe are mainly synonymous with sleepless nights and … Read more

Natural anti-mosquito solution with geranium hydrolate

The beautiful season is fast approaching, enchanting our days with the triumphant arrival of summer. Spring landscapes enchant us with their delicate floral fragrances and subtle, eye-catching colours. The days grow longer, bringing more light, while our clothes grow shorter, exposing our golden skin to pests. How do we repel these undesirables? The answer lies … Read more

How to choose your hydroalcoholic gel

L'image représente une main qui est sur le point de déposer du gel hydroalcoolique dans l'autre main. La main droite tient un flacon pompe de gel hydroalcoolique

In our modern world, where hygiene is paramount, hydroalcoholic gel has become an essential part of our daily lives. But with so many choices available, how do we select the most effective product for our needs? This article guides you through the essential criteria for choosing a hydroalcoholic gel from a pharmacy, highlighting the importance … Read more

Get rid of intestinal worms naturally

To effectively dislodge intestinal parasites, many remedies are effective. You just need to combine them well and act over the long term on a regular basis. However, be sure to deworm every two to three months, or better yet every month at the time of the full moon. Choose your foods for intestinal worms: Certain … Read more

How to properly use oleo-calcareous liniment


A mixture of olive oil and lime water, oleo-calcareous liniment is a natural product mainly used for baby’s skin. It can be made at home. But how to properly use the oleo-calcareous liniment bought in your pharmacy… Use the baby liniment for the hygiene and the toilet of the babies A simple mixture of olive oil and … Read more

Why choose your health products with an organic label?

Organic farming was born from the initiative of agronomists, doctors, farmers and consumers who, in the 1920s, generated new currents of thought based on ethical and ecological principles, and initiated an alternative mode of agricultural production favoring tillage, autonomy and respect for natural balances. As the 1970s approached, significant sociological changes largely influenced the development of … Read more

Home remedies for chickenpox

She is back ! Chickenpox is everywhere in classrooms and nurseries. Childhood illness most often benign, it should not be taken lightly. Highly contagious, it can be dangerous, especially in adolescents, pregnant women or vulnerable people. Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus of the Herpesviridae family. In toddlers, as impressive as their symptoms are, … Read more

Magnesium chloride, simple, cheap and effective!

Preventive as well as curative, magnesium chloride is one of the most interesting remedies. Essential for the proper functioning of our body Magnesium plays a major role as a catalyst and activator of many enzymes. In particular, it influences nerve transmission, calcium metabolism, hormonal activity, etc. The work of Professor Delbet has demonstrated its effectiveness by its action of … Read more

The benefits of honey, propolis, and royal jelly for our health

Les bienfaits du miel, de la propolis, et de la gelée royale pour notre santé

Today we’re talking about the benefits of beehive products: honey, pollen, propolis and royal jelly. These are foods provided by nature with energising, protective and immune-stimulating properties. A teaspoon a day of honey or pollen, a course of fresh royal jelly, propolis gum to take when you’re in the car. All simple things you can … Read more