The essential oil of Holy Basil, a simple elevated to the rank of divinity

Holy basil essential oil

To fully understand the sacred dimension that surrounds this basil, it is important to retrace its steps, and to go to its original land, that is to say India. There, basil is just as sacred as verbena was to the Romans, if not more so. Very small “temples” are erected there, as well as veritable altars surrounded by walls … Read more

How to treat burns and sunburns with my herbal medicine?

How to choose medicinal plants to treat burns and sunburns

“Oh sun sun” … It is very tempting to spend hours basking in the sun to afford a perfect tan. However, be careful not to get sunburned! Indeed, overexposure to the sun can cause a superficial burn of the skin and increase the risk of the appearance of wrinkles , dark spots and even skin cancer . What is sunburn? Tanning is a protective reaction of … Read more

Layering: the Asian facial skincare ritual in 6 steps

beauty products for effective layering

The beauty , internal and external, leaves no one indifferent. This universal desire , this quest for perfection gives rise to these “beauty rituals from the end of the world”. Beauty techniques and routines whose results are always more surprising than the next. Layering stands out from this great diversity of aesthetic cultures . This traditional approach to skin care comes to us from Asia . A skincare routine that is passed down from generation to generation. What is Layering? The … Read more

The Cypress, the tree of life with multiple properties

Who does not remember these Mediterranean landscapes where the dark cypress raises its narrow mourning columns against the violent blue of the sky? Before embellishing the Côte d’Azur and playing the useful role of a rampart against the wind and sand, the cypress took root in Asia Minor , where its presence is recorded in an old Assyrian … Read more

Prevent toxoplasmosis naturally

A parasitic disease whose pathogen is Toxoplasma gondii , toxoplasmosis is present all over the world, and it is estimated that one third of the population is infected. This generally harmless pathology, however, presents serious risks in subjects with a weakened immune defense system as well as in HIV-negative pregnant women . What is toxoplasmosis? Usually mild infectious disease, toxoplasmosis is transmitted to humans … Read more

Tips for choosing latex-free condoms in case of allergy

Itching , irritation , difficulty breathing , … We agree, it is not normal to feel this kind of discomfort during sex . So why do you feel bad? It may be because of the condom you have chosen, or rather the main product of which it is made: latex . This material is indeed a source of allergies for some people, 10% to 20% of the French population according to surveys. Fortunately, if you are one of that … Read more

How to take care of the oral hygiene of your pet?

Owner of an adorable furry companion , you are undoubtedly attentive to his health and well-being . You care just as much about their comfort and longevity . In addition to his basic needs , such as food, water and shelter, ensuring the good health of his pet is part of our responsibilities . But when it comes to their health , we tend to overlook the importance of their oral hygiene . However, we estimate … Read more

How to prevent atherosclerosis the natural way?


The onset of atherosclerosis is generally explained by the lifestyle of contemporary societies, particularly in the West (junk food, sedentary lifestyle, etc.). Atherosclerosis is characterised by the presence of atheromatous plaques that invade the lumen of medium-sized and large arteries; these plaques contain lipids, inflammatory cells, smooth muscle cells and connective tissue; as they increase … Read more

CBD, its properties, its indications but above all its interactions!

CBD, its properties, its indications but above all its interactions!

In recent months, many products containing cannabidiol (CBD) have appeared on the French market . Unlike THC, CBD is a non-competitive antagonist of CB1 receptors and therefore does not exhibit the psychotropic effects of THC. However, it has multiple actions on numerous receptors or molecules of the central nervous system inducing anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic or even anticonvulsant effects, but it is also … Read more

The therapeutic powers of Echinacea root

Main pharmacological properties of echinacea roots

Like any solar plant , echinacea offers medical matter its flower head, the culmination of this plant, but also what is diametrically opposed to it, namely, a ruffled root strain. Although arriving late in Europe (1930s), echinacea, the study of which began after World War II, particularly in Germany, have since revealed some of their secrets . A little history … Read more

How to choose your after sun shower gel?

Exposure to the sun is a pleasant and beneficial experience, enabling the synthesis of vitamin D, but it can also present risks to the health of our skin. Understanding the impact of the sun on the skin barrier is fundamental to taking appropriate post-exposure skin care measures. Deterioration of the lipid barrier, loss of moisture, … Read more

Mitral valve prolapse, how to learn to live with it?

Mitral valve prolapse

Congenital valve malformations of the heart have an estimated prevalence of around 5% of newborns, and are present in 20% to 30% of congenital cardiovascular malformation cases. The mitral valve is often affected. The more moderate and symptomless mitral valve prolapse (or Barlow syndrome ) is also common in the general population, affecting 1 in 40 individuals of all ages. Congenital non-syndromic mitral … Read more

What shape of bottle nipple should you choose?

When we’re getting ready to welcome baby, or if baby is already here, a thousand questions are running through our minds. Adapted nappies, food… the preparations are numerous and crucial to the baby’s healthy development. Whether it’s mixed breastfeeding, a transition to bottle-feeding or baby’s thickened meals, the choice of teat is a difficult one. … Read more

The role of naturopathic medicine in PMS

Naturopathic medicine and premenstrual syndrome

PMS is a collection of somatic, emotional and behavioral symptoms. These symptoms appear before your period and go away with it. This symptom set affects approximately 75% of women of childbearing age. The specificity of this syndrome is in fact its cyclicity, and its intensity severe enough to significantly alter personal, social and professional functioning. What is PMS PMS … Read more

How to use a baby nosepiece?

With the onset of cold seasons , adults are not alone in battling small seasonal viruses. Our children , especially the youngest, catch a cold one after another. We estimate that toddlers have an average of 8 cold episodes per winter , which is indeed huge! This situation is due to the fact that their defense mechanism lacks potency and immune response . As a result, they struggle to fight against the … Read more

How to treat scabies naturally with herbal remedies?

treat scabies naturally with herbal remedies

Scabies is a skin condition that most commonly affects humans. The responsible parasite attacks the epidermis by making sort of furrows in it as a nest. Then the female parasite chooses them to lay the eggs. This then causes itching . Gradually, lesions form on the skin. Namely, that this type of disease is contagious. In other words, it can be transmitted from person to … Read more

Once upon a time, garlic bulb essential oil

Native to Central Asia or the Caucasus, garlic(Allium sativum) has been cultivated and eaten for over 6,000 years. It has always been considered a panacea. In ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder listed 61 illnesses that could be cured with garlic. Before the discovery of antibiotics, crushed garlic cloves were used, among other things, as an … Read more

Understand, prevent and treat AMD naturally

Natural Care for Age-Related Macular Degeneration AMD

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) results in progressive degeneration of the retina , especially in the macula, leading to blindness in people over 50 years of age. 25% of people over 85 have AMD. The main symptoms of this pathology are the growing need for light to read, deformations in the center of the visual field and a … Read more

Treatment of hemorrhoids through naturopathy

Haemorrhoids are varicose veins in the mucosa of the anus and rectum. A distinction is made between internal haemorrhoids, visible by anoscopy, and external haemorrhoids, which protrude from the edge of the anus. Depending on their severity, there are several ways to relieve haemorrhoids or even eliminate them. The first concerns dietary hygiene rules; you … Read more