How to make an anti-cellulite product at home?

Cellulite, also known as dimples or orange peel skin, is the result of a change in the structure of the fatty tissue under our skin. In fact, it gives the skin a rather unsightly appearance. It is mostly found on the back of the thighs and on the buttocks, but it can also affect different … Read more

Does Whole 30 help you lose weight?

The Whole30 programme is a strict 30-day elimination diet. Many people use this type of diet to lose weight or to solve recurring digestive problems. This eating plan invites you to eliminate sugar, alcohol, cereals, dairy products, legumes and additives for a month. It should be noted that the Whole 30 is presented as a … Read more

The Birch, terrestrial and celestial tree, source of vitality!

The adjective birch is attributed to the silvery sheen of its papery bark. The birch is a particularly typical tree species in Eurasia. Although commonly grown as an ornamental tree, it is no less a host to young woods, steep acid soils, stony soils and sandy soils. Surprisingly, birch sap harvested in early spring has … Read more

The Piloselle and the legend of the falcon with the piercing gaze

Legend has it that a hawk feeds on the juice of hawkweed to improve its eyesight. Hierakon, from which we can guess the Latin name for hawkweed. Hieracium was already the Greek name for several Chicoraceae. But it also contains Hierax, meaning “falcon”. The nameHieracium was therefore given to hawkweed “without any explanation other than … Read more

Ketosis, a natural physiological process

The ketogenic diet is often cited for its effects on weight loss and metabolic health. But do you really know how ketosis works and why it plays a key role in this type of diet? Ketosis is a natural physiological process that is triggered when the body no longer receives enough carbohydrates and begins to … Read more

How to prevent atherosclerosis the natural way?


The onset of atherosclerosis is generally explained by the lifestyle of contemporary societies, particularly in the West (junk food, sedentary lifestyle, etc.). Atherosclerosis is characterised by the presence of atheromatous plaques that invade the lumen of medium-sized and large arteries; these plaques contain lipids, inflammatory cells, smooth muscle cells and connective tissue; as they increase … Read more

Avoid sagging skin during a weight loss process

During weight loss, sagging skin is common. The deepest layer of the skin is made up of proteins, including collagen andelastin. Collagen, which accounts for 80% of our skin’s structure, provides firmness and strength. Elastin provideselasticity and helps the skin to stay taut. When we gain weight, the skin stretches over the areas that are … Read more

Maintaining long-term weight loss

The patient and the healthcare professional face a new metabolic and endocrine balance after weight loss. This requires changing long-term management strategies. A weight loss of 5 to 10%, regardless of the method used to achieve it (physical activity, calorie restriction, pharmacological treatment), improves quality of life, biological markers and clinical parameters. The benefits of … Read more

The medical protein diet protocol

The high-protein diet, also known as the Medical Protein Diet, is what you might call stage 0 of the high-protein diet. Weight loss is very rapid (generally -2 to -2.5 kilos / week), with no hunger or tiredness. During this diet period, you consume only high-protein sachets, authorised vegetables, water and a vitamin supplement. This … Read more

The interest of food supplements in weight loss

A varied, balanced diet and regular exercise are still the best ways of controlling excess weight. These days, however, there are various alternatives available in pharmacies. These include natural food supplements for slimming purposes. As summer approaches, a vast array of slimming food supplements is on offer. However, it is vital to know what these … Read more

How to choose your dietary supplements slimming and lose weight before the summer

Une balance et un mètre ruban posés sur le sol avec une pomme : symboles de la perte de poids et de la minceur avant l'été.

The countdown to summer has already begun… You’ve been eating and drinking your way through the confines of the house? Don’t worry, you’ve got plenty of time to get back into shape so you can feel great in your swimming costume this summer. At some point in our lives, we’ve all been bothered by excess … Read more

How to take care of your stretch marks naturally ?

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of stretch marks, including Striae Rubrae, Striae Albae, and Striae Gravidarum, as well as looking at the factors that encourage their appearance, such as Cushing’s syndrome or genetic factors. In addition, we will discuss various approaches to prevention and treatment, ranging from natural care to more advanced … Read more

Lose weight quickly with the PROTIFAST program

In our ongoing quest for optimal health and general well-being, losing weight safely and effectively has become a priority for many. The PROTIFAST programme, renowned for its clinical approach to weight management, offers a promising solution for those looking to lose weight quickly. This distinctive programme stands out for its use of protein-rich meal replacements, … Read more